Thursday, October 13, 2005

Maui Reading List

One of the things I really enjoy about vacations is the chance to read. I mean, really read - a soft tropical breeze blowing through my hair, on a sandy beach on Maui where there is nothing to do except turn the pages as the sun moves lazily across the horizon. I've always loved reading, and once earned a library certificate when I was a kid by reading 50 (fifty!) books in one summer. Yup, while all the other California kids were flying kites, building forts, playing hide and seek I was ensconced in the local library plowing through books.

One fond memory I have is at my Grandpa and Grandma's house in Quartz Hill, California. When the weather turned cool I would fetch Grandpa's old army jacket, grab a stack of Reader's Digest condensed books and sit in a utility trailer reading away the hours under the weak winter sun.

I also love to read on planes - and with a five hour flight there and back, that's TEN hours of reading time! Yeah, I'm a nerd. What can I say?

Anyway, here is my vacation reading list. Let's see how much of it I can burn through!

  1. November 2006 Reader's Digest
  2. Ecclesiastes and Jeremiah (on my Bible reading plan; eBook)
  3. The Lincoln Lawyer (eBook)
  4. Freakanomics (eBook)
  5. The Greater Good (hardcover)
  6. Plan of Attack (hardcover)
  7. Christian Research Journal (magazine)
  8. Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport (hardcover)
  9. October 10 Time Magazine
  10. October 2005 Guideposts (magazine)
  11. October 2005 Business 2.0 (magazine, with a hidden past due garbage bill inside - D'oh!)
  12. The Peloponnesian War (hardcover, a reaaalllly big hardback)
  13. November 2005 Bicycling (magazine)
  14. October 2005 Wired (magazine)
  15. November 2005 Runner's World (magazine)
  16. October 2005 Fast Company (magazine)