Sunday, April 16, 2006

Joke of the Week

In the mid-eighties I once went to lunch with Tyler. Tyler was the epitome of cool, there was no one cooler than Tyler. He dressed in all black even before black was the new black. We went to some fast food joint and his tab was $3.34. He tossed a ten dollar bill on the counter, and the clerk counted out his change - six dollars and sixty six cents. Tyler was chillin' with his sunglasses on, black jeans, black shirt and black coat. The clerk started getting a little freaked out thinking he might have been the Antichrist.

Tyler was a lot of things, but the Antichrist wasn't one of them (as far as I know). He even came to the church I went to at the time, where worship was quite demonstrative. As everyone raised their hands in worship, Tyler stuck his hands straight up in the air like he was being robbed and looked around. I miss that guy. Anyway, for all you Left Behind fans out there:

"So, what's the significance of apartment 667 over there?" "That's the neighbor of the beast." "The neighbor of the beast?" "Yeah, sometimes he gets the beast's mail."

Still laughing out loud!