Pardon me, I should not trouble you with the personal issues I face as a movie star. I shall not bloviate any longer and admit to you that yes - at long last I have seen my face in a movie. I saw the handsome, svelte young man that every girl swoons for and every guy is jealous of. Then, I saw myself next to him! Ha ha ha.

But seriously now - Into the Wild is out on DVD now, and you can see my mug on the big screen (or little screen if you're watching it on your iPod). I'm in the second scene (the college graduation). In the picture above which I snipped off of the web, you see the focus on William Hurt and Marcia Gay Harden. Look over Marcia's shoulder and there is a big guy with his hands together in mid-clap. Next to him is a woman with glasses. Next to her is something that looks like a coconut. That's my head.
In the movie, the camera pans and then zooms on to William Hurt and Marcia Gay Harden. You can see me clearly, I've got a white blazer on. Ooops, my cell phone is ringing....sorry, it's my agent - gotta run.
Autographs provided upon request.