When I was a kid at Disneyland, we were in the "Small World" ride when the soundtrack broke. All of the little mechanical puppets were squeaking, clanking and making robotic noises that were usually masked by the music. It was kind of a surreal experience.
Just like last Thursday evening at a wedding rehearsal. The bride introduced me to her father, and we had this odd, twilight zone thing going on. Finally he said "I know you from somewhere" and I agreed. We started going through the list - the gym, church, laundromat, favorite restaurant, college?!?
Finally he asked if I was a runner. Yep, I replied. He hit it - turns out we were on a Hood to Coast team we approximated at about 10-11 years ago! Hadn't see him since. But wait - it gets a little weirder. I love to read, and when I traveled heavily I would cart 2-3 big books around in my bag. One of my favorites was (is) a double volumn by Tom Wolfe that includes the Bonfire of the Vanities, and the Right Stuff.
For years, I have lugged that book around - from Minneapolis to the city of Mt. Shasta, from L.A. to Lahaina - I read it here there and everywhere. Why is this relevant? In that book - again for years now - I have a business card that I use as a bookmark. It was the team captain of our team that year.
Kind of weird. OK, maybe not so much. But it is a small world after all.