I dreamt I was riding a motorcycle around in Los Angeles. It was like a big Harley, but with a much bigger engine. Basically, it was all engine that dwarfed the tires. Kind of like the picture, which may have been the inspiration.
I rode the motorcycle to a garage sale, where I purchased a set of used, tri-focal wrap around UV protection sport sunglasses. They were very cool and I put them on and rode the motorcycle around some more.
It turned out that I had borrowed the motorcycle from a friend named Gayle. She's a really funny person and every time we see her there is something that we laugh about. I had filled the tank for her her, and tried to offer her some money for lending the bike to me, but she refused. So, I went to Costco and bought her some Prilosec. Don't know why, there was no discussion about heartburn or anything with her! I just thought it was a meaningful gift. What-ever!
Then, I was hanging out at a beach, I think it was Huntington Beach. Suddenly, the sky darkened and enormous lightning bolts crashed into the ocean. The crack of the thunder shook me to my core, my internal organs were all vibrating from the violent sound and made me nauseous.
Then gigantic somethings were falling into the ocean. I could not discern exactly what they were, perhaps hailstones or rocks as big as dump trucks like the picture. Again, whatever they were, were indecipherable to me. However, imagine if that truck fell from 500 feet into the ocean. Can you imagine the splash it would make? That's what it was like.
We all started screaming and running from the beach. There was a boardwalk, actually a paved bike/walking path that paralleled the shore. There were bunk beds, like camping cots only stacked 8 high. The people in the beds were being thrown out onto the ground.
As I ran, I began to see shiny objects on the ground. They were syringes, with big old honkin' needles. As I ran I tried to sidestep them.
And then I woke up.