Isn't this just the coolest thing you have ever seen?
Look very carefully at the picture. It's kind of dizzying but what you are seeing is a staircase leading to a door at the bottom. The owners of this apartment had a problem, similar to what I and every bibliophile face.
Books. Lots of books. Lots and lots and lots of books. Drives my wife cRaZy. I could be stranded in a desert dying of thirst, and drag my dehydrated carcass to a roadside lemonade stand...and ask if they have any bestsellers.
Well, the owners of this apartment had a novel (ha ha pun intended) way to resolve their issue. They designed in a hidden and seldom used back stairwell to an upper loft, a means of arranging for their treasures to remain neatly organized.
Sherry won't make our bed anymore. It's not her fault, she's by no means lazy. I have so many books and magazines piled up on my side of the bed it is a slippery slope that more than once has caused her to stumble. I now make the bed. And I slip and stumble.
I love it. Sherry hates it. I tell her it would be a great way to open up a new....wait for it....CHAPTER in our lives! Get it? Ha ha ha I crack myself up.