Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dream Diary #6

I dreamt that Sherry and I were with my family. We had our bikes, and told the fam that we were going on a bike ride. Then, I was in a garage (I think it was ours but I'm not sure) working on a motorcycle engine. I had received it in a box (known by the colloquial term as a basket case) and was rebuilding it. It was a four stroke engine and I couldn't find the valve lifters. I finally found them and they were caked with old grease. I began to clean them when dad came into the garage.

"I'm going on the bike ride with you", he said. He had gone to a bike shop and purchased an unusual bike. The bottom of the fork split into a wishbone, and there were two small tires instead of one. The tires were not arranged in a tricycle fashion, i.e. next to each other but inline with each other (picture a rollerblade). It was very strange looking. Then mom came into the garage and said she had bought a bike. Then my brother came into the garage, he already had a bike.

I was pleased to have a garage full of bikes, even if they weren't all mine. I continued to work on the engine as everyone got ready for the ride.

Then, I was driving my truck. Into an apartment complex. On the walkways. In my dream I had done this before, it was a shortcut to the parking lot that I used. But the walkways became narrower and narrower, and soon I could not go forward and had to reverse my way out. As I passed one apartment there was a guy packing up. I knew him and I can't remember the reason that he was leaving but it was a sad event.

Next, I was still trying to get into the parking lot. Having failed at the walking paths, I used a neighbor's driveway. It was a huge expensive house with a huge driveway big enough that some cars were using it as a racetrack. So there I was, in my truck; driving on a stranger's driveway in the middle of a race.

Then I woke up.