Monday, September 04, 2006

Hood to Coast 2006 - it's not all about me!

Our story begins with my looking at a shiny silver medal commerating the 25th anniversary of the Hood to Coast relay race.

Unfortunately and with great personal anguish I was forced to drop out this year (just like last year) with a seizure. But it's not all about me! I choked back my pride and ego, and got up very early Saturday morning to volunteer for the race and support my team in a different way than I had planned. I wanted though to meet them at the beach and cheer on their accomplishments as we had several newbies running for the first time!

First, I want to thank Steve. I was very glad that he volunteered to drive our van, with his former Navy career as a Chief Engineer and his current career as a senior project manager he would keep things together and see the mission completed. He did so admirably (just a slight Navy pun there, "Admiral Gueck"), even to the extent of running one of my legs for me! Additionally, he served as our staff photographer and took many fine shots of the race. Bravo Zulu Steve!

Next up is Steve Abrew. I called Steve literally four days before the race (we had a last minute cancellation) and asked if he would run. He fit the qualification in two fine ways - he is a fun guy and a runner! A nice combination to complement the team. Another first timer, he earned his medal not only for his own running but he too grabbed one of my legs. Thanks Steve and congratulations to you too!

Reed Gillette is one of the funniest people I know. I've had the experience to travel with Reed on a few business trips, and when I travel I like to find a gym to work out at. Reed's of the same mind, and travels under the name of Brad Pitt since he's a dead ringer for the movie star. Reed and his wife Andrea compete in these CrAzY extreme competition adventure races events where they run, mountain bike, rappel, hike, kayak, mountain climb, rollerblade, snorkel, orienteering - and that's before breakfast. Reed also is fond of taking pictures of himself with some other person, and has a collection of about 700 people now that have been shot with Reed.

Hmm, let me rephrase - have shared a photograph with Reed. When Reed and Andrea were not running they found other ways to amuse themselves.

Brian Windheim came back for year two, and in his usual understated way proceeded to slaughter the competition. Just look at the poise, the confidence, the theme song of Rocky 17 "Eye of the Tiger" playing in his iPod. He's also got a wicked funny sense of humor! Brian also ran a leg for me - thanks man!

Dustin Woodhouse was the van driver last year, and had so much fun he just had to be a runner this year. He was a bit apprehensive and called me (actually before my seizure) and we talked a bit and rehearsed some of the things I've learned through the years. Congratulations Dustin, you earned that medal!

Will Nielsen was new to the team this year, and also jumped in at the last minute. I'm glad you could join the team Will!

There are two things that are paramount for my love for Hood to Coast. One is the hardware, getting that finish medal at the beach and the wonderful sense of accomplishment. The second is the goofy antics in the van.

Well, the team talked me into accepting the medal, but this year it means something different for me - not running the race, but sharing in the organizing, training and fun that a great group of people bring - you make me proud!

From the left:

  1. Smilin' Steve Abrew
  2. Reed "you call this a RACE?" Gillette
  3. Scott "Hey-I'm not looking at my crackberry" Hess
  4. Squawk "where's the chicks?"
  5. Diana "let's do it again!" Hess
  6. Will "Road Kill" Nielsen
  7. Andrea "kiss me Reed" Haslem
  8. Dustin "get that camera out of my nostril Brian" Woodhouse
  9. Julie "c'mon - just let me close my eyes for a minute" Brooks
  10. Brian "hey watch me stick this camera up Dustin's nose" Windheim
  11. Brady "I always look this good after a race" Wycherly

Not pictured:

  1. Steve "get in the van, man!" Gueck