We went over to Charlie and Jill's house Friday night for poker. There is never a shortage of laughter with these guys, and Sherry and I adore them. We brought a bottle of wine, but they are not wine drinkers and did not have a corkscrew.
Charlie is one of those guys who can fix anything. He and Jill took a beat up old fixer upper house and transformed it into a stunning display of blending of old craftsman and new interior design.
No corkscrew? No problem. Charlie goes into the garage, comes back with a wood screw and a cordless 18 volt Bosch drill. "RRRrrrrr" says the drill as it imbeds the screw into the cork. "Woomp" says the cork as with the assistance of a pair of pliers it is wrested from it's snug abode. "Gurggle" goes the wine as it is poured into glasses, and a good time was had by all.