But I digress. Sherry is getting pretty amazing in the kitchen, and even has been making Kadie's (Kadie is our beloved dog) dog food. Sherry has been convinced that commercial dog food makers have compromised canine quality and health and also have been found to be tied to Haliburton (this statement remains a rumor and is uncomfirmed).
Well, after our enchilada feast I put leftovers in a container for work the next day. There's something about enchiladas (and pizza) that creates a gastronomical delight after continuing to ferment overnight. The flavors tend to distribute throughout the substance of the food, tantalizing taste buds to excess.
All morning long I was anticipating enchiladas, and then - lunchtime! I put the leftovers into the microwave, let the magic rays caress my meal for a few minutes, and then almost salivating pulled the container out. Hmmm, thought I; these don't look like enchiladas. Then it hit me - I had grabbed a container of dog food! Now, the dog food Sherry makes is not the kind of stuff swept up from a butcher's floor. I knew it was chicken and..and...what is that? It was either very overcooked rice or mashed potatoes that were slightly less cooked. I took a fork and and sampled it, yecccch - very bland, still unconfirmed starchy substance clinging to the bits of chicken. I couldn't handle it.
Just as a colleague entered the kitchen area, I turned and scooped all of it into the trash. He looked at me kind of funny and I felt I needed to qualify - "it's OK, I said - it's just my wife's cooking". He looked startled, and I realized I needed to qualify my qualification - "what I mean to say is that my wife's cooking is dog food".
He looked even more startled. I gave up.