I overheard a woman say to her companion (referring to the sand) "...it's so light and fluffy, and then down by the ocean it gets harder".
Here's a pic of my two favorite gals:

Here's Kadie posing for the camera. If you look closely you will see that she has caught her prey and is guarding it carefully between her paws. Tennis balls with a little beach sand never tasted so good!
The next morning (Monday) we again ventured down to the beach, but it was a vastly different scenario - the wind had picked up, the temperature had dropped probably 10 or more degrees (it is difficult to tell as the wind chill certainly brings a subjective element to the estimating). The clouds reclaimed their status on the sky, and we could only stay out for about an hour as even GoreTex could not subdue the chill. But we know what would. Descending on to that fine Northwest cuisine destination like seagulls to scraps, Pig-N-Pancake welcomed us with open arms and we left satiated with syrup-laden breakfast foods.
On the way home, Highway 26 snakes through the coast range and coming around a corner, we saw a lit flare on the side of the road. Decelerating, we passed a few more flares until what looked like an accident scene came into view. The cars in front of us were slowing down, and an officer was walking the shoulder looking intently into the forest. Our hearts beat faster - what had his rapt attention? Perhaps a fugitive, a modern day Rambo about to spring onto the highway from his forest abode? Suddenly, the officer stood upright and our hearts beat even faster as we saw movement in the woods - emerging into sight, it was indeed a fugitive - a large calf, probably weighing about 400 - 500 lbs, made its way to the shoulder of the road. Now, what do YOU do when you see a cow on the side of the road from a moving car?
Yes, I was strongly tempted to "MOOOoooo" but I don't think the officer would have been amused!