Monday, June 12, 2006

Teenagers thwart adults - again

In an amazing scientific discovery picked up by the Associated Press, students are using a new ring tone to receive messages in class — and many teachers can't even hear the ring. Some students are downloading a ring tone off the Internet that is too high-pitched to be heard by most adults. Apparently, with the typical hearling loss that comes with agong, it is a high pitched whine like a mosquito and is usually undectable. With it, high schoolers can receive text message alerts on their cell phones without the teacher knowing.

You can read more about it here, but think of the implications. Imagine teenagers communicating right under the noses of adults. With that kind of subterfuge, who knows how many parties are being planned, cheating going in classrooms, and various nefarious plots to heinous to even be described here.

Well teenagers - I got news for you! Yes you clever little rascals, we adults have ringtones that you can't hear either. Yeah, who's your daddy now?!? Here's a sample of ringtones that teenagers are oblivious to:

  1. Be home by ten.
  2. Make your bed.
  3. Mow the lawn.
  4. Call your grandma.
  5. Take out the trash.
  6. Clean your room.