I love In-N-Out Burger. Every time I go to California offers the opportunity for a Double Double. I rarely pass this opportunity up!
On a recent trip my mom pointed out the most curious thing. In tiny print on the bottom of the hamburger wrappers and drink cups were Bible verse addresses.
Not something you see very often. Being curious I sent a note to In-N-Out headquarters, here is the reply:
In response to your question, our owners have placed references to scripture on some of our packaging for many years as it is something they enjoy doing. Our customers' feedback indicates the subtle positioning of these references has made them somewhat of an In-N-Out Burger® tradition. They have been likened to our popular non-menu items such as the Animal or Wish burgers, in that customers who know they are there and want to see them are able to do so, while other customers may never notice or can choose to easily ignore them. Any specific message is left, if desired, to the reader.