I have to admire this little girl's solution to her mothers insistence and apparently repeated injuctions to clean up her room. From The Scotsman:
Messy Room Leads to Police Raid
A nine year old German girl was so upset about having to tidy her room she put up a sign in her window urging passers-by to call the police for help. Officers rushed to the scene to discover the girl had rowed with her mother about tidying her room.
Not having maternal instincts myself, It's hard for me to imagine what I would do in that situation. However, I have to give credit to this mom for her way of dealing with the messy room.
Mom Reaches Breaking Point, Goes On Strike
"I'm quite tired of the bickering and I'm quite tired of talking and not being heard or listened to at all," she said. So, Toussaint pitched a tent on the front lawn of her east-end London home Wednesday and set up a sign reading, "Mom on strike." Since her job action began, Toussaint has returned to the house to help prepare some lunches and make sure the three dogs are taken care of, but says the rest is up to the kids. There has been a little progress so far. Toussaint said the upstairs bedrooms looked like Hurricane Katrina had swirled through when she left, but now resemble the aftermath of a tropical storm.
I bet my mom wishes she had thought of that!