One day, we heard an enormous crash, followed by high pitched chiming and ringing that went for probably another 5-10 seconds. Wow! Everyone was running around, and then it hit me - I knew exactly what happened.
I used to work as an automotive machinist, and every Tuesday the Snap-On tool truck would pull into our parking lot. Like kids to an ice cream truck, we would abandon adulthood and run squealing to look at the bright shiny tools. And he let us purchase on credit! Well, in my career I had dropped many a wrench on a concrete floor. That bright, ringing sound told me two things - that I had dropped my wrench, and by golly it was a professional, worthy tool. Take a look at this picture comparing two wrenches - yeah, the one on top might produce a chirply little ring, but that Snap-On wrench below - oh, it's gonna sing the music of angels:

Well, my supicions were correct - a maintenance worker was lifting a heavy toolbox up onto the roof from the third floor access panel, and dropped that toolbox about 12 feet where it burst open on the landing, and the wrenches danced their way down the stairs like a chrome waterfall. Wish I could have seen it!!