Our neighbors have a little boy who is adorable. Sherry and I have a rule we call the "First Kid Principle", or FKP for short. What this means is that the first kid in our neighborhood who hits us up for the class fundraiser - he/she gets the dough, and then we politely deny the other requests (we once had a kid camp on our doorstep for three weeks, you would have thought he was in line for U2 tickets - just kidding). Well, in this case
I get the dough because that's what Riley was promoting - cookie dough.
As I was writing the check, I asked Riley how school was going. "Fine", he replied. I then asked when he was finished with school. In my adult mind I'm thinking he is on a countdown, such as 4 weeks or 5 weeks or something like that. He looked at me with his big eyes, and said in all seriousness:
"Not until I'm in the fourth grade"
Riley, I know that it can't come quick enough! Hang in there buddy.