Congratulations to Daryl & Amy on their engagement! . In a perfect way that mirrors Daryl's character, he proposed in an unorthodox, goofy and yet sentimental way. As you read through this note, the cast includes: Daryl, his daughter Amy, his son Nathan, and Amy. In the last paragraph there is a reference to Tatsue. Tatsue was Daryl's wife who passed away last year after a long, hard struggle with cancer. Just as we said goodbye to dear Tatsue who is now with God and the angels, we say hello to Amy and welcome her and her son Jackson into our extended family and surround her with love, joy and acceptance.
Nathan is an exceedingly sweet and intelligent little boy (9 years old), and this note came out from Daryl in September 2005, and although they have been moving in that direction for a while we didn't feel prudent to post until Daryl officially asked, and Amy officially said yes! Both conditions have now been fulfilled and I give to you - The Marriage Cookie as told by Daryl:
"Today after Church Amy, Ayumi, Nathan and I entered the Subaru. Nathan had a little piece of cookie left and he gave it to me so he would not spill crumbs in our new car. Anyway, knowing that Amy loves chocolate, I saved a small corner bite with chocolate chips and m & m’s and fed it to her. That prompted Nathan to excitedly say, “that must be the marriage cookie, because I know you guys are in loooooovvvveeee”.
I asked him what the marriage cookie stood for, and he said “When you share, your destinies become intertwined and you become part of one another’s life together and share the sweetness for all your life”
I asked him how he could know we were in love. He said you are good enough friends to be girlfriend and boyfriend first and now husband and wife. He said, “becasuse you are in loooooovvvvvvee, you should smoochie pooh”.
I said what is a smoochie pooh?
He puckered up his lips and made sucking sounds as he leaned towards us.
So I leaned over and gave Amy a “smoochie pooh”. I said how was that?
Nathan said “dad your search is over”
Dad said “What’s that mean?”
Nathan said “You don’t need to search for a woman anymore, you finally found your true love”
Then he told the joke “what do you call two spiders who are married? Newlywebs!!!” Then he told us about the “Frog Kiss”. He said the female frog sticks out her tongue and the male frog sticks out his to lick it. I tried to find out where he learned that but he said he just did. Then he said we need to go to the jewelry store now. Dad goes with me and Ayumi goes with Amy. You need to buy both engagement and wedding rings at the same time. There is no need to go to the church for the wedding, we can save on gas. You should just have an automatic wedding. Give each other the rings and “poof” you are married.
So when I got home, I went upstairs to my computer and started writing. Not wanting to forget anything, I called to Nathan downstairs for help. He yells back “Am I setting up the wedding already?” Thanks!
He runs up stairs all excited. He hands me some “marriage mints” (tic tacs) and says they have the same purpose as the marriage cookie, but also they freshen your breath so you can be a better bride and groom. Then he grabs some “marriage gum” and says “it automatically freshens your breath.
Then he tells us we need to read the “How to make a girl baby or boy baby” book. He accidentally found this book several weeks ago in a pile in my room that was books and junk I took from my old be headboard from the bed I gave away. I did not even know I had it let alone he was reading it. Anyway, he said “Please read this book on your wedding night and find the way that fits most perfectly to make a girl or boy baby, whichever you want the most. If a boy, maybe sprinkle salt on the bed. If a girl, you could hang garlic over the bed. I know another method that moms take off their wedding ring and step over it and it leads to either a boy or girl, I can’t remember which. But she can put the ring under the pillow and get the opposite effect of stepping over her ring. Where is the book? I gotta find it!”
Well Amy and I are pretty much speechless. At least we know where my kids stand on our relationship! I try to explain to Nathan that maybe he is speaking some prophetic words from God. But I explain that no matter how Amy and I may feel for each other at this time, we need to hear clearly from God when the proper time may be for becoming united (Nathan at one point of our conversation had mentioned we should become united in marriage). I told him I believe God is building something beautiful here but everything must come in His timing. Both of us want more than anything what God wants for not only our personal lives but those of our families. If he brings us together as a family, it will be in His time and with His blessings.
“God I love that kid (Nathan). He never ceases to amaze me. Thank you Father so much for my son Nathan and his tender, loving, sincere, perceptive, heart and that you truly made him the “Ultimate in Sillyness”! And thank you God for my beautiful, sweet daughter who plays along with her big brother with a huge smile and lots of giggles. I thank you for the healing in our lives and for the blessings you are pouring out on us as a family. I also thank you for what I believe you are orchestrating in bringing two families together to become one. I know Tatsue is smiling in heaven seeing how well you are taking care of us. We will always miss her, never forget her and were so blessed in our time with her. May we find such favor from You again Father. May Your glory shine forever through all we say and the lives we live. May Your Holy Spirit be our guide and protector through trials ahead. In the name of your precious son, Jesus, I ask these things over my family and if Your will, my future family. Amen”