Last Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving) my adorable wife put up the Christmas lights while I was at work. Not only that, but
she cleaned the gutters as well! Now that in and of itself is a big deal, for this reason - I have two fears in life that I will disclose to you. The first is pregnancy. Pregnancy is sooo un-natural. You
should be able to just go down to Fred Meyer and pick one out, right? Well, we'll talk about that in another post. The other is the fear of heights. As my elevation increases, such as on a ladder; I get more and more uncomfortable. That's why I'm very grateful to Sherry for doing a job that I usually dread.
Now Sherry did something radically different this year - we have a long driveway and she lined each side of the driveway with a string of cable lights. Very cool, but an unusual effect - it very much resembles a runway! I expected Sherry to come out of the house to greet me looking something like this:

Well, my taxi to the garage door was uneventful and I followed
ramp protocol to a "T". Upon spooling down the engines and departing my craft, I could only be thankful that Sherry's enthusiasm has not yet reached the degree as seen in (turn your speakers up)...
...this house!