Why is it challenging you, the gentle reader; may ask? It actually is a great exercise that has more than just entertainment value as it involves determining the meaning of words, and therefore what does the question really mean? I found several questions that could be construed in a few different possibilities, therefore the sliding scale in which to respond.
The list of possible theologians include:
- John Calvin
- Martin Luther
- Jonathon Edwards
- Karl Barth
- Friedrich Schleirmacher
- Paul Tillich
- Anselm
- Jurgen Moltmann
- Charles Finney
- Augustine
Who would you add to the list?!? I would throw in a couple of spoilers like perhaps Clark Pinnock, Greg Boyd or Gary North just to shake things up (caveat - I am neither endorsing or refuting their work - ha!)
When I took the quiz, interestingly enough I was presented with a tiebreaker! I had to choose between the following two statements which I actually rassled with a little bit:
- Justification by faith alone is the heart of the Gospel
- All Christian theology must begin with the revelation of Christ
Faced with choosing between these two was difficult! Ultimately, I chose number 1 for this reason - I concluded that if we must use the word 'must', then all Christian theology must begin with the revelation of God (i.e. the trinity) as taught in the scriptures. Semantics, I know - but it underscores my thought on the importance of words.
Here's my results, which I think we're heavily biased by my choosing question number 1 above:
You scored as Martin Luther.
The daddy of the Reformation. You are opposed to any Catholic ideas of works-salvation and see the scriptures as being primarily authoritative.