Shredding old statements: I had some stuff jammed into a drawer that included bank statements from when Nixon was in office. I finally turned on my shredder, and started running stuff through. Apparently there were a few Meier & Frank statements that had those nifty little scratch and sniff perfume samples. The shredder scratched, and I sniffed. At times I'm a bit sensitive to odorants & deodorants, and you can imagine what perfume does to me. A blossoming aroma rose like a nuclear mushroom and almost overtook me as my olfactory receptors recoiled in terror.
Shredder 1, Dave 0
Closet Toss - I have a bad habit. My closet is reasonably organized with the most casual attire at the right, and then a gradual proceeding to formal businessware at the left. I'll confess though that my top shelf becomes the time sensitive cavity for the clothes toss. I just chuck stuff up there that I'll deal with (ha!) later. I found myself with about 3 t-shirts a pair of jeans in my hands that I didn't want to fold. Up he goes for a reverse layup! Swish, nothing but net! But, down came 4 shirts (the jeans stayed). I chucked them up (note: not "upchucked") and this time 2 shirts and the pair of jeans fell. I still believed I had the home court advantage, after all it is my closet; and slam dunked the clothes up there. 10 shirts, 2 pair of jeans and an old hat came down.
Closet 1, Dave 0
Sherry had decided to do some maintenance with her fish hobby. I like that because she gets to be creative and rearrange the furniture in the fish's homes (we have three aquariums) and if I'm lucky nothing will ever change in our real furnishings. Forever. Yup, I work in an extremely dynamic workplace but I could have the same picture on the wall and the same coffee table in the same place for eternity. Well, I digress. She put Larry the Lobster (he's about 7 inches long now) in the little tank in the kitchen. The next morning we were having coffee on the sofa (yes, the one that I hope she never moves) and we heard this shizzle-shizzle-pop-plunk. We ran into the kitchen, not having any idea what the noise was; to find Larry on the counter heading for the front door with 20 bucks he grabbed from our rainy day fund. Sherry started to scream (eeeeEEEEEEEk!!!!), my ears began to bleed and Larry laughed. I lunged at the little lobster and latched onto his tail and flipped him back into the tank.
Larry 0, Dave 1