One fond memory I have is at my Grandpa and Grandma's house in Quartz Hill, California. When the weather turned cool I would fetch Grandpa's old army jacket, grab a stack of Reader's Digest condensed books and sit in a utility trailer reading away the hours under the weak winter sun.
I also love to read on planes - and with a five hour flight there and back, that's TEN hours of reading time! Yeah, I'm a nerd. What can I say?
Anyway, here is my vacation reading list. Let's see how much of it I can burn through!
- November 2006 Reader's Digest
- Ecclesiastes and Jeremiah (on my Bible reading plan; eBook)
- The Lincoln Lawyer (eBook)
- Freakanomics (eBook)
- The Greater Good (hardcover)
- Plan of Attack (hardcover)
- Christian Research Journal (magazine)
- Calvinism in the Las Vegas Airport (hardcover)
- October 10 Time Magazine
- October 2005 Guideposts (magazine)
- October 2005 Business 2.0 (magazine, with a hidden past due garbage bill inside - D'oh!)
- The Peloponnesian War (hardcover, a reaaalllly big hardback)
- November 2005 Bicycling (magazine)
- October 2005 Wired (magazine)
- November 2005 Runner's World (magazine)
- October 2005 Fast Company (magazine)