Patty Sturdevant, Portland, took third in the overall women’s class at 54:18, missing by just six seconds a 10th place overall that Scott Hull, Portland, claimed.
Well done Patty! Well, it turned out that she qualified for the Nationals! How awesome is that? How could she not go? How could she not buy special titanium racing snowshoes for the event? Wouldn't you? Of course you would.
In a bit of pontification, Phillip Gary Smith writes:
A glorious and glamorous day dawned at the Snowbasin Resort, Ogden, Utah, for the running of the 2008 United States Snowshoe Association’s Eighth annual PowerSox Championships. In a setting destined to be one of the all time greats for these races, and accommodations to match, racers from 19 states gathered to do battle on these pristine slopes.Patty traveled with her good friend Myra, who took 8th - overall! Congratulations to Myra. Patty did awesome, again we are looking at her SECOND snowshoe race ever in her life! And she takes SECOND place in her age group in the Nationals, and earned her silver medal! It's enough to make you take a SECOND look (ok, sorry) at her results:

Patty, we are all very proud and happy for you. We'll be looking for you at the 2009 Nationals!