Sunday, June 18, 2006

Tigard Festival of Balloons

It's time for the Tigard Festival of balloons, or "TFOB" (thank God it's the Friday of Balloons)! We live about a mile away from this event and it's very cool - this isn't a troop of professionals who tie long skinny ballons into Giraffes, this is giant hot air balloons filling the sky right above our house. As dusk dawns down in Cook Park they have an event called "nightglow" as the climbing fires that heat the air cast a translucent glow like this:

Sometimes we call this the Tigard Festival of Baboons as we watch the inebriated inhabitants of nearby homes frolicking in the sun. OK, maybe it's not quite that bad but it's a great opportunity to people watch.

Well, our dog Kadie is a mellow German Shepherd mix (politically correct term for "mutt") that we got from the pound for companionship and protection for Sherry when I used to travel for business very often. She did not turn out to be very aggressive and mostly sleeps a lot (I'm referring to the dog not my wife). Occasionally Kadie gets a little upset over a raccoon, but that's about the extent of her viciousness. Until the balloons filled the sky:

As a few balloons floated above us, Kadie went nuts - hair raised on her back, barking furiously and showing fang. Wow! I didn't know she had it in her. She hardly ever barks so I was actually pleased with this protective behavior (well, that's my interpretaion). She actually reminded me of that scene in Signs where the dog goes nuts about the alien invasion. Kadie would probably let the aliens even do their er, ah "medical experiments" as long as they through a ball for her.

But this time, I rue the horrible experience should one of those balloons deflate and land in our driveway.