I was picking up a few prescriptions at our local Rite-Aid and was standing at the STOP sign where you are instructed to NOT MOVE ANY CLOSER to the cashier in order to comply with HIIPA regulations. I think HIIPA stands for "helium induced interoffice playtime antics" or something like that when we get out the ballons & the tank and starting huffing and laughing at each other with those squeaky little voices you get - "we are, the lollipop kids, the lollipop kids...".
In any case, I was surreptiously moving closer and closer and then over so slightly PAST the sign. Visions of snarling German Shepherds quickly moved me back to the approved waiting area, fully respecting the right to patient privacy although we in line could hear every word of the exchange happening at the cashier 3 feet away from us. But by golly we were compliant.
Upon my turn the pharmacist mentioned that both my wife and I had "insurance issues" negating the ability to fulfill our prescriptions. Now in my case, I was two days early (oh my, ratchet up the Homeland Security status) to pick up mine. Slightly annoyed, but only slightly; and since there was no privacy anyway in the HIIPA zone, I turned to the customers behind me and said something like
"No problem, within two days I'll be blind from pain, bleeding out and suffer a horrific death because I can't get my Nasonex refilled today".Everyone laughed, even the pharmacist; and we were able to rectify the issue with Sherry's prescription and he asked if I could wait about 10 minutes. Of course, no problem. I had come in with a SBUX raspberry mocha extra hot nonfat nowhip so I wandered over to the magazines, picked one up, and then saw a patio furniture display.
I plunked myself down and with great satisfaction began sipping my drink and perusing the pages. I got a few dirty looks from the cashiers, but then an elderly woman approached and asked if I could read the expiration date on the milk she retrieved from the cooler. "Of course Ma'am, it is April 4". "Oh my", she exclaimed, "that is too close for me". I returned to the magazine, and a few moments later she was back - well, now we were at April 1. A few moments later she was back, and I said "Ma'am, may I escort you to the milk cooler and we'll find you the absolutely freshest half gallon that ever came out of a cow"? OK, I'm embellishing but we did go to the cooler and I found her the freshest one in stock.
By that time it was time to go back to the pharmacist, and I was able to retrieve Sherry's meds. I actually felt a moment of sorrow for my snarky comment, and apologized to the pharmacist. He laughed and said "no problem Dave, I've heard much much worse than that".
I realized in that moment that I was forgiven! All was right again with Dave and Rite-Aid. This may be a poor representation of the Gospel (haven't figured out what the sacrificial atonment might be), but it made me think of the progression:
- Didn't get what I wanted (instant servicing of my selfishness, the Human Condition)
- Got what I didn't want (problems with insurance, i.e. "God")
- Rebelled - acted out, became a general pain in the butt.
- Attempted restoration by works - helped (literally) a little old lady.
- Repented - realized how childish I had acted, apologized.
- Restoration - Andy the pharmacist forgave me.