- Dave Mundt has been cloned in a secret lab in North Korea: Not True!
- An extensive genealogical study has discovered that Dave Mundt is third in line to sit on the British throne: Not True!
- Dave Mundt had a seizure: True!
On Wednesday July 20 I suffered a seizure at home early in the morning (Sherry was walking the dog). I went from sitting on the couch working on my laptop to regaining consciousness about an hour later, in bed; with horrible confusion and terrible pain. I had thrown my back out, chewed my tongue raw, and had a few significant bruises. Apparently all my major muscle groups had flooded with lactic acid as my legs and arms were very sore. I have no memory of that lost hour and have no idea what was happening. The good news is that I saved a bunch of money by switching…just kidding! The good news is that the MRI came back clean, I don’t have a brain tumor and I didn’t have a stroke.
I’ve had a few emotional ups and downs about all this, with the most significant being anger – feeling violated and lost for an hour thrashing around and being injured without the ability to stop whatever was going on (actually, that’s a pretty good description of my typical mornings before coffee). I was praying about the whole episode and as clear as I’ve ever heard the Lord speak, I heard him say softly to my spirit that during the episode He was cradling me and protecting me from more extensive damage. Brought tears to my eyes, let me tell you!
Being faced with my own mortality has given me pause to think that should I be called home and my ticket is punched for that train to Chicago, that I wouldn’t want my service to SouthLake and the people I love so much be interrupted so:
- If I pass out during a wedding - Steve, Cammie and Diane have heard me officiate enough that they can drag me aside and finish up.
- Kelli is more than capable of continuing Foundations with me ‘in absentia’. If a question comes up that you can’t answer, just tell ‘em we’ll discuss that when we talk about supralapsarianism in the context of the pre-millennial Trinitarian eschaton.
- There are many wonderful teachers at Southlake who can partner with Barb for the weekend sermon notes (I finally met Andy Cramer Saturday night!).
- Reid can take over doing circumcisions.
- Bill, I’m not sure who can replace me on the Worship Team – oh wait, I’m not on the Worship Team – just a wannabee!
I’ve also given thought to my memorial service:
- I’d like Ken Belden, Brad Eller, Charlie Blevins and Daryl Stewart to do a barbershop quartet a cappella version of Led Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven. I’d like Wilson Smith to choreograph.
- I’d like Todd Hing and Len Winkler to light a candle for each year I lived.
- I’d like Reid Smith and Scott Trumbo to deliver the eulogy. To the tune of ‘The Brady Bunch’.
- I’d like my dear wife Sherry to serve my favorite food, weenie wraps.
- I’d like my good friend Dan Riley to tell a few stories about our adventures in life.
- I’d like Jill Blevins, Cheri Harris, Liz Martin and Sherry Mundt to do a salon quartet and sing Amazing Grace. Wilson to choreograph.
- Finally, I thought I’d ask Charlie Blevins and Steve Abrew to scatter my ashes from a speeding patrol car doing about 110 mph going down I-5 with the lights and siren flashing. But then, because of my belief in a physical resurrection I don’t think I want to be cremated. So Charlie and Steve, again with lights and siren flashing at a high rate of speed just chuck my body out the window.
Won’t that be fun! I have an EEG coming up next week where they will look for abnormalities in my brain waves (yeah, yeah go ahead and insert Dave Mundt joke here). From what the neurologist tells me, the worst case scenario is that they find something and revoke my driver’s license and make me take medication for the rest of my life. The best case scenario, and this is what the doctors believe, is that we’ll never know what happened and life goes on. Guess which way I’m praying! Because I have no other physical symptoms (headaches, dizziness, vision problems) that can accompany a seizure I’m probably still in a little bit of denial.
Anyway, that’s the scoop on what’s going on with me. And that’s the truth!