Sometimes, I'm almost moved to tears not only with his intelligence and the power of his lectures, but his love and heart for God. The force of his arguments and tendered with compassion have led to classic works of literature and lectures.
Although I wouldn't say that I agree with evertything that R.C, teaches (I'm in a season of exploration of TULIP as my theology has been largely Arminian in nature) but I also cannot denly that my life is actually different because of him!

They were talking about weddings, and asked the question why does the bride wear white anyway? They made a reference to the tradition of purity/virginity and then laughed about the scarcity of such a woman anymore, which I thought was a sad but accurate commentary on our culture today. Not that I'm being judgmental, in my pre-marital counseling it is not unusual for issues from one or more partners pre-marriage and the difficulties that can present and I approach the topic with grace and forgiveness.
Anyway, one of them said that they thought the bride wore white because it's in the Bible. They moved on but I thought that was an interesting position and it made me wonder about the origins of wearing white dresses at weddings. Although he doesn't specifically mention the dress, even Billy Idol acknowledges the concept from his song White Wedding:
According to weddingmanor.com, a bride wears white because...
In Colonial times a bride often wore her "Sunday best" to her wedding. It was not until the 1840's, when Queen Victoria was married in a white wedding gown, that "white gowns" became the rage. White is also a symbol of affluence, purity, joy and virginity. Today, brides can choose many shades of white, from bright white to champagne.
A quick word study of the word "white" in the New Testament shows us references to Jesus and Angels by the gospel authors (including one reference by Luke) , and then to the people of God in Revelation in reference to their purity and holiness made possible by Jesus. But, no reference to white wedding dresses.
I wonder what kind fun Mark and Brian would have had if they had known that Jesus' first miracle was at a wedding, turning water into wine. That would have given them a field day I'm sure.